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samuel shats


samuel shats

Born in Santiago, Chile, engineer,  PhD from the Tel-Aviv University. He has worked as a teacher, researcher and entrepreneur, activities that he left to dedicate himself exclusively to photography. His photographic career began in 1969 when he joined the Chilean Photo Cine Club, an institution he later chaired from 1994 to 1996. In his beginnings he participated in numerous photographic contests and biennials obtaining several  prizes and honorary titles . In 1983 he began to develop his personal photographic projects. He has exhibited in more than 17 individual exhibitions and 30 group exhibitions in Chile, Israel, Argentina, Brazil and the United States. His work has been published in books and magazines and has earned him grants and prizes. In addition to his creative activity he has been a judge, curator and teacher and has directed a photographic creation workshop for years. 

Individual Exhibitions

"On the Threshold of Oblivion"
-GAM, Santiago, Chile, November-December, 2015
- Cultural Center of Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Festival of Light, Chile as guest country), August-September 2014.
-Art Hall, AMIA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2014.


“A hidden look in the Wasteland”
- Extension Center of the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, November, 2004.


"Tales of the Sea"
- Cinemateque, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 1 to 11, 2002.
- Municipality of  Modiin, Israel.
- Municipality of  Petach Tikva, Israel.
- Municipality of Rishon Lezion, Israel. 
- Chilean North-American Institute of Culture, Santiago Chile, May 2001.


"Don't trace, don't face"
- Extension Center of the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile,  May 2002.


"Chile in Depth"
- Puerto Varas, Chile, January 2001.
- House of Culture, Colina, Chile,  August 2001.
- Municipality of Ovalle, Chile, September 2001.
- Photographic Odyssey, Coquimbo, Chile, September-October 2001.


"Faces of Israel"
-Louisiana Pub, Santiago, Chile, December 1998 – February 1999.


"Discovering Jerusalem"
- B'nai Brith, Santiago, Chile, 1996.
- Hebrew Institute, Santiago, Chile, 1996.
- Bikur Holim, Santiago, Chile, 1996.

Collective Exhibitions

"My Head"(with Julia Lafée, Javier Moreta and Teodoro Schmidt)
-Cultural Center of Las Condes, Santiago, Chile, 2017.


 ”The Victory of Everyone"(with Lincoyán Parada, Teodoro Schmidt, Oliver Hartley and Arthur Conning)
- Museum of the Republic, Brasilia, Brazil, March 2016.
- House of Culture, Municipality of  Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago, Chile, August 2015. 
- Museum of Photography, Rafaela, Argentina, Festival of Light, 2012.
- National Museum of Art, Santiago, Chile,  November 2010 to March 2011.


"70 years of Foto Cine Club de Chile"
- National Museum of Art, Santiago, Chile, 2008.


"The Sea, A Look at Ours"
- Chilean Navy and Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, 2007.


"The Magic of the Past"
- Sewell, Chile, 2007.


"Reality (i)Reality"
- Cultural Center of Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Festival of Light  2006.


"Chile, its Land and its People"
- In front of  The Nation building, November, 2006.


"The Chilean Photographs of Memory and Oblivion: 1920-2005"
- Extension Center of the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, 2005.


"The Art of Conquest, Seduction and Desire"
-  La Sala Gallery, Santiago, Chile, 2004.


"Of Skin"
-  Le Click Gallery, Santiago, Chile, 2003.


"The River and the City"
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile, 2002.


- National Historical Museum, Santiago, Chile, April 2002.


"The Piojera"
- La Piojera, Santiago, Chile, 2001.


- Extension Center of the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, 2001


"Images for Human Dignity"
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile, 1999.


"Art Now", III Tourism and Leisure Salon, Santiago, Chile, 1998.

"60 years of the  Foto Cine Club de Chile"
- National Museum of Art, Santiago, Chile, 1997.
 - Photo Club Cooperation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997.


"Traditional Arts and Trades of Chile"
- Metropolitan Performing Arts Theater, Spokane, Washington, USA, 1997.
-Miami, USA, 1997.
- Chilean North-American Institute of Culture, Santiago Chile, 1996.


"The Photographic Art of the FCCCH"
- The Republic Club, Santiago, Chile, 1996.


"100 Photographs"

- Ziebold Gallery, 1995.

"The Best of 1994",

- Los Andes Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile, 1995

"FCCCH in Photo Club Cooperation",

-Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994

- Nude Workshop of the FCCCH, Ivani Hall FCCCH, Santiago, Chile, 1994.
  - ALPES Professional Institute, Santiago, Chile, 1994.


"50 years of the Foto Cine Club de Chile"
 - Los Andes Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile, 1987.


"Around the world with PSA", 1971.


Museum of the Republic, Brasilia, Brazil.
National Museum of Art, Santiago, Chile.
Museum of the Memory, Santiago, Chile.
Art Museum,  Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
Living Memory Foundation

Main Distinctions and Grants

- Chilean Grant for the Arts (FONDART) 2015, "On the Threshold of Oblivion"
- CITY Award 2011 from The Future Foundation, “La Victoria of Everyone” (with Lincoyán Parada, Teodoro Schmidt, Oliver Hartley and Arthur Conning).
- Chilean Grant for the Arts (FONDART) 2010, “The Memory of Coal” Photography by Lincoyán Parada.
- Chilean Grant for the Arts (FONDART) 2008, “Southern Itinerary: 70 years of the Foto Cine Club de Chile”, (supporting Elisa Diaz ).

Main Publications

- "On the threshold of Oblivion", November 2015
- "Oblique Photographs in Chile" (with other authors), 2014
- "The River and the City", (with other authors), 2002.
-  Switch Calendar 2000.
- Zejel , Winter 2000, photographic report and cover: "The People from Bahia".
- Zejel, Spring 1999, photographic report: "Moscow in Images".
- Zejel, Autumn 1998, photographic report and cover  "Israel Today".
- Occident, No. 359, September 1996, back cover.
- Photographic Yearbook 1993, Fountain Press, England, (works: "Up and Down" and  "Snail". - Carta International World Atlas, USA, 1990, (work: "Santiago")
- Journal of the Photographic Society of America, July 1988, USA(work: "Up and Down")

Main Photographic Studies

- Graduate Program in  "Photo-narrative and New Media", Pedro Meyer Foundation, Mexico, 2013.
- Virtual Program in Cultural Management, University of  Chile and Organization of Ibero-American States, 2011.
- Graduate Program “Photography, Identity and Heritage”  Extension Center and Esthetic Institute of the Catholic University, 2000.
- “Creative Workshop” with Prof. Hanan Laskin, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1982-83.
- “Technical Photography”, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 1975.

Teaching Experience

2011 – present   Courses, workshops and direction of the Creative Group in Trimagen.
2010 –Workshops for executives of the BBVA Bank.
2007 – 2010  Lecturer of the Digital Photography Program at the Catholic University of Chile.
1993 – 2005  Teacher for courses and workshops at Foto Cine Club de Chile.    

Conservatorships and Judgments

- "Southern Itinerary-70 years of Foto Cine Club de Chile", Concepción, Talcahuano, Valdivia, Los Angeles, Puerto Montt and Castro, January-December 2009
- "The Coal Buddies” by Lincoyán Parada", The Artists of Steel and Barrack 83, Talcahuano, 2009.
- Jury at Sony and El Mercurio contest, 2006.
- "Tito Vásquez, Retrospective", The Chilean North-American Institute for Culture, Santiago 2000 and Concepción 2001.
- "70 years of Foto Cine Club de Chile", National Museum of Art, 2008.
- "60 years of Foto Cine Club de Chile", National Museum of Art, 1997.
- Jury in 2nd Teachers National Salon, 1994.
- Jury in 1st Teachers National Salon, 1993.
- Jury in National Salon of Photography of the FCCCH, 1992.

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